CME - Purpose

In 2019, through an open email to the entire CAA population, the NCCAA invited CAAs to participate on a project team to review, gather input and make recommendations to the NCCAA regarding the process of NCCAA continued certification. A group of CAAs was appointed to the Continued Certification Feedback Workgroup (CCFW). Through survey, collection and analysis of data, and discussion, the CCFW developed a list of potential measures to be included in the continued certification of CAAs. The identified measures were reduced to the nine (9) most frequently identified measures to include in continued certification of CAAs. Then, the CCFW prioritized the nine most frequently identified measures based on their individual criteria, which included objectivity of the measure, the ability to universally apply the measure to all CAAs, and feasibility both financially and administratively, etc.

The CCFW ranking of the items was allotted a numerical ranking based on the prioritization of each by the CCFW member. If ranked 1st, the measure was allotted 9 points; ranked 2nd, the measure was allotted 8 points, etc., until the 9th ranked measure was allotted 1 point.

Through this method, the CCFW applied their subjective understanding of the CAA profession, CAA education, and practice into an objective process. This resulted in a hierarchy of measurable components that could be considered for inclusion into a continued certification process for CAAs.

Through this process, the top two (2) measures to be considered for continued certification of CAAs by a large margin were:

    1) Increased CME Requirements.
    2) Continued CDQ Examination (assessment of knowledge), virtually equal in their importance.

The Continuing Medical Education (CME) requirements for CAA continued certification are a result of this research.