CDQ Exam - Results

The pass/fail exam results will be uploaded to the candidate’s profile within the secure NCCAA website or mobile application. The typical timeframe for receiving results is 7-10 weeks post examination.

Results will include an overall score and subject matter area scores for the candidate, as well as national averages for cohort comparison. This information will only be available to the candidate. The score data is not available to employers, state medical boards and other parties as this information can be misused without proper context to attempt to distinguish among candidates.

The only information available to candidates regarding the results of the NCCAA CDQ Exam will be the information provided within the official results documents from the NCCAA. Because of the need to maintain exam security, exams and exam items will not be made available for review.

Any candidate who does not receive the pass/fail exam results within 10 weeks of taking the NCCAA CDQ Exam should contact the NCCAA by email at