Exam Results

The pass/fail exam results will be uploaded to the candidate’s profile within the secure NCCAA website or mobile app. The typical timeframe for receiving results is 7-10 weeks post examination.

Results will include an overall score and subject matter area scores for the candidate, as well as national averages for cohort comparison. This information will only be available to the candidate and the candidate’s educational program. The score data is not available to employers, state medical boards and other parties as this information can be misused without proper context to attempt to distinguish among candidates.

The only information available to candidates regarding the results of the NCCAA Certification Exam will be the information provided within the official results documents from the NCCAA. Due to the need to maintain exam security, exams and exam items will not be made available for review.

Any candidate who does not receive the pass/fail exam results within 10 weeks of taking the NCCAA Certification Exam should contact the NCCAA by email at contact@nccaa.org.

Employers & Third Parties

Again, the NCCAA does not share examination results with employers or state licensing boards. Both are encouraged to verify potential employees/licensee’s certification status free of charge on the NCCAA website at: www.nccaa.org.

Verification of Examination Results

The NCCAA makes every effort possible to assure that scores awarded to examinees are valid scores. When NCCAA feels that an examinee's score does not represent a reasonable assessment of the examinee's knowledge, this irregular score may be judged invalid, neither pass nor fail. A score may be considered irregular for any one of several reasons, including, but not limited to:

    a. Inappropriate behavior on the part of the examinee or other examinees;
    b. Failure to complete all required components of the examination;
    c. Aberrations in the examination process beyond the examinee's control;
    d. Statistical analysis indicating irregular score(s).

A score irregularity that is under investigation will not be released. Following analysis of all available information and evidence pertaining to the score irregularity, the NCCAA will make a determination as to the validity of that score.

When an investigation is initiated by the NCCAA, the examinee will be notified of that investigation. The examinee may be requested to provide written information during the NCCAA's investigation.

If the NCCAA, based upon all available information, decides that an irregularity has occurred, the score may be ruled invalid. An invalid score will not be reported. Depending upon the circumstances of the irregularity and upon the NCCAA's decision concerning validity, the NCCAA may require the examinee to be reexamined no later than the next regularly scheduled examination, may revoke certification, and may take other corrective action deemed appropriate, including denial of admission to any future examinations. The examinee will be notified of the decision and related NCCAA determinations within 10 days following the decision. At the time of notification, the individual will receive written information pertaining to the appeal process of the NCCAA.

Because of the rigorous process ranging from pre-examination quality control and post-examination scoring, errors in scoring are virtually nonexistent. However, candidates who receive a failing score may request that their NCCAA Certification Exam results be verified. Requests for verification of results must be made in writing within three (3) months after the exam date and must include the following information: candidate's name, candidate ID, exam date, exam location, and signature. Exam verification fees may apply. Requests should be sent via email to contact@nccaa.org.