CDQ Exam - Eligibility

The candidate must be practicing as an anesthesiologist assistant or eligible to practice as an anesthesiologist assistant in at least one (1) of the 50 states of the United States of America or in the District of Columbia.

The candidate must be currently certified as an anesthesiologist assistant in good standing by the National Commission for Certification of Anesthesiologist Assistants, where current means at the time of application.

Examination Candidacy:

Eligibility timeframe for the CDQ Examination shall extend for three (3) consecutive CDQ Examination offerings, beginning with the June administration of the CDQ Examination the calendar year of CDQ Examination requirement for maintenance of certification (year 4, 10, 20 etc.).

Should the candidate for CDQ Examination choose to take an earlier offered CDQ Examination (e.g., February) within the calendar year of CDQ Examination requirement for maintenance of certification (year 4, 10, 20 etc.), then the eligibility timeframe for the CDQ Examination shall extend for three (3) consecutive CDQ Examination offerings from the date of the initial CDQ Examination. (e.g., If the candidate takes the CDQ Exam in February of year four (4) of certification, then the candidate has two (2) more attempts and they must be taken during consecutive offerings of the CDQ Exam). Reapplication for successive exam attempts will incur a registration fee established by the NCCAA.

During the eligibility period, the following shall be considered use of an examination opportunity:

    1) An examination candidate fails to appear for a scheduled CDQ Examination, or
    2) An examination candidate fails to complete a scheduled CDQ Examination, or
    3) An examination candidate fails to pass a CDQ Examination, or
    4) A candidate for reexamination fails to register for the next available CDQ Examination.

Important Note: Should a candidate that is due for CDQ examination fail to register for the CDQ examination in the year due, de-certification will occur.

Eligible Status:

A candidate who has met the eligibility requirements, has successfully passed the NCCAA Certification exam, and has maintained certification through compliance with NCCAA policies is eligible to register for the CDQ examination in the calendar year due for the individual CAA according to NCCAA policy.